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Attendance at Challney High School for Boys is a priority for students. We ensure that students are fully aware of the positive correlation between attendance and achievement. Students have a morning registration with their form tutors, and they are registered in the afternoon by their teacher in period 5. Each form takes part in the interform attendance leagues, with prizes issued termly to the winning classes, and those students with 100% attendance. We celebrate the attendance of students regularly, and inform parents too.

The school has an Attendance Officer who will contact you if your child is absent. Our Attendance Officer works closely with the Education Welfare Officer to ensure that pupils are in school, and ready to learn.

The school does not authorise any time off for holidays, or extended visits out of the country. Again, this is to ensure that pupil learning potential is maximised, as is their achievement.

Our Attendance Policy can be found here for further information

To Report a Childs Absence:

Please call 01582 599921.
Leave your child’s full name, form group and house, ie., 73 – Fosse, reason for absence.

You are to call each day that your child is absent from school.