Student Leadership
Student leadership is an integral part of everyday life at Challney High School for Boys. We believe that providing students with valuable work experience prepares them for the wider world. It allows them to have an important voice on developing the school and provides them with valuable opportunities to make a significant difference on the school community. We have many roles that students can apply for;
Student Executive
Student Executive Cohort
2022 -2023
Who Are We?
Our Student Executive body is made up of fifteen students. We each strive for the positive development of the school and its students. As a cohort, we share a wide array of experiences and expertise, including but not limited to a strong academic passion alongside public speaking skills, organisational skills and leadership skills, which all compliment each other to create a high-performing group.
We all had to undergo an extensive selection process to get our roles, including a written application, a team-building exercise/ presentation, and an interview. This ensured only the highest calibre of applicants and those that accurately represented what is meant to be a true '5 Star Challney Student' were chosen. The student executive body is led by the Head Boy and two Deputies, who act as the supervisory basis of the team and a point of contact for the headteacher.
As students, we work with different members of the SLT so that we branch across the entirety of the school's running, while the Head boy and two Deputies work with Mr Mailer. To ensure that everyone's idea is considered, we cycle through the SLT body every few weeks, working with different members.
We are currently working on a few projects, some of these being implementing a diversity day, increasing our profile on social media, and encouraging greater attendance.