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Preparing Students for Life in Modern Britain

Challney High School for Boys consciously promotes a tolerant, equal, democratic, British community.

This is specifically addressed in the taught curriculum through the ideas of Britain as a democratic society, students as members of that society and through the ideas of tolerance and equality, (RE and Citizenship).

The fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths that are promoted and taught through PSCHE and SMSC, strengthen and support this view.

In our core value statement, ‘High achievement and access for all are our shared responsibilities’, which is deeply embedded in every aspect of school life, the social and moral development of students is paramount. We recognise that any influences that significantly compromise our school ethos and values could affect students’ chances for a successful and fulfilled life. Through our development of successful, aspirational, positive-minded young people we promote their economic well-being and an ability to realise their ambitions, post-16 and into adulthood.