Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Strategy Plan 2021/24
Our school’s catchment is located among areas of high social deprivation and as such, 26% of our students are eligible for pupil premium. This has the potential to bring some complex challenges. We as staff are committed to ensuring that these challenges are mitigated so that all pupils can reach their full potential. We believe it is essential that we identify individual barriers in order to provide personalised, targeted support so that our children can flourish. We aim to raise the progress and attainment of Pupil Premium students, of all abilities, to reach their potential. This is to ensure their outcomes not only match the attainment of Non-Pupil Premium students (both in school and nationally), but that they have access to rich learning opportunities and are equipped to become successful life-long learners.
We track and monitor the progress, achievement and well-being of all students in the school so that we can respond, with appropriate support and adaptive provision, to any individual that is underachieving or failing to flourish. In this way, we aim (as stated above), to ensure that each student, whether disadvantaged or not, achieves their potential. Additional Pupil Premium funding is an essential resource that we use to give us the capacity to maximise the achievement and well-being of all students, thereby, challenging disadvantage.
School Overview
Metric |
Data |
School name |
Challney High School for Boys |
Pupils in school |
1182 |
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils |
26% (306) |
Pupil premium allocation this academic year |
£301,410.00 |
Academic years covered by statement |
2021 -2024 |
Publish date |
September 2022 |
Review date |
September 2023 |
Statement authorised by |
Mr Mark Mailer |
Pupil premium lead |
Dr Patrice Evans |
Governor lead |
Masood Akhtar Ms Nazia Ahmed |
Challney High School For Boys is a place to learn. As such, our targeted provision and support strategies are implemented to:
- improve levels of attainment and progress for all;
- close attainment gaps relative to national averages;
- improve or support more sustained attendance and by so doing, contribute to students’ achievement;
- ensure students have memorable moments, fostered by developing learning within and through a comprehensive extra-curricular provision. Access to which will be supported by providing and subsidising enrichment activities and experiences that disadvantaged students might otherwise miss;
- enhance reading, writing, mathematics and communication skills; ● raise aspirations for all, including for disadvantaged students, those with SEND and those with higher learning potential and
- support all students in their journey towards becoming confident and successful life-long learners.
Every child deserves to be taught by a good teacher. To this end, our 5* Teaching and Learning programme is embedded to ensure learning is at the centre of what we do. Through 3 effective teaching our aim is to support the progress of all students, but particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. This is our core purpose
What we expect to see:
- the closing of attainment gaps, relative to school averages, so regardless of how financially disadvantaged a student is, they are able to improve their levels of attainment and progress;
- accurate and effective collection, analysis and use of data relating to individual students and groups in order to drive learning;
- the identification and diminishing of the main barriers to learning for Pupil Premium-eligible students;
- access to the curriculum and extra-curricular provision;
- targeted provision to ensure their needs are supported including that of their well-being, particularly during times of uncertainty and
- every effort is made to engage parents and carers in the education and progress of their child.
Key principles
- ensure PP students are supported through our school’s 823 targeted intervention strategies (and 824 the following year);
- continue to make every effort to raise achievement and improve the life chances for Pupil Premium and Looked After Children (LAC) students;
- continue to maintain and develop the quality of teaching and learning across school to ensure consistently high standards and challenge underperformance; ● adapt our pedagogy to suit an evolving social context; particularly as we respond to the needs that have arisen as a result of experiences of the Covid 19 pandemic; ● continue to monitor attendance, provide curriculum access and targeted provision aimed at accelerating the progress of all students at KS3, especially for the disadvantaged and those with higher learning potential;
- support students’ access to our online provision to foster and sustain both distance and independent learning;
- sustain a sharper focus on SEND students, especially those who are PP, in order to raise their overall attainment and progress.
The full report can be accessed here for 2021-2024