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Reward System

At Challney High School for Boys, we take huge pride in celebrating the achievements of our students.  

Students are rewarded regularly through the use of our Steps to Success and the Pivotal Postcard system for their active participation in learning, to produce outstanding pieces of work.

Each term there is a Rewards Assembly that celebrates students’ successes from the term. These assemblies include reflections of the year group success and the giving of certificates and trophies.

In addition to this, we have a House structure.  Each house competes in various inter-house competitions, in a variety of activities that include sports, debating, literacy, numeracy and the arts.  Houses will be rewarded both at these competitions, and recognised in the aforementioned Rewards Assemblies.

In exceptional cases, students may receive an APEX award from the Headteacher to recognise achievement and contribution well above and beyond the norm.

See the Rewards and Recognition pyramid below to show the hierarchy of rewards at Challney High School for Boys.