Information for students, parents and carers
Challney High School for Boys is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and we expect all staff and other adults who visit or work with us to share this commitment.
As a school we ensure that we are compliant with all legislative and statutory guidance, most notably:
Should you have concerns about the safety of a student or any general safeguarding matters please contact our safeguarding team on
To view our school Behaviour policy and procedure please click here.
To view our Safeguarding Policy please click here.
If you have any Safeguarding concerns, please email uk
- Mr A Khan | Designated Safeguarding Lead -
- Miss K Fuller | Safeguarding Officer -
- Mr W Lowerson | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead -
- Mrs J Warren | Deputy Safeguarding Lead -
- Mr R Church | Deputy Safeguarding Lead -
- Mr M Parmar | E-Safety Lead -
- Mrs N Ahmed | Safeguarding Governor -
Information for Visitors
Please click here to see Information for Visitors.
Safeguarding Action and Procedure Flow Chart
Please click here to see Safeguarding Action and Procedure Flow Chart.
Operation Encompass
Domestic Abuse Notification
Domestic abuse is often a hidden crime that is not reported to the police. Therefore, data held by the police can only provide a partial picture of the actual level of domestic abuse experienced. Many cases will not enter the criminal justice process as they are not reported to the police.
At Challney High School for Boys, we are working in partnership with Luton Borough Council and Bedfordshire Police to identify and provide support to pupils who have experienced domestic abuse in their home. Nationally this scheme is called Operation Encompass. On receipt of any information from the Police, the designated safeguard lead will decide on the appropriate support the child needs, this could be silent or overt.
If you yourself are a victim of domestic abuse or are concerned about someone who is, please contact the Police or use these details below:
Useful contact numbers:
0300 300 8585 - Ask for the Freedom programme
Useful websites:
Missing Person Notification
Operation Encompass is the reporting tool sending the relevant information to schools, before midday of the next school day when a child or young person has been reported missing to the police, whether that is by yourself or respective guardian.
This will enable Challney High School for Boys (as professional safeguarding partner) to be made aware of the missing incident and be in a position to support the child should they still make their way into school. As a professional partner Challney High School for Boys are also able to complete a ‘safeguarding check’ on the child.
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
What is the school procedure for CME? (Child Missing in Education)
1) If a child is absent for more than 2 days and contact with parents cannot be made.
2) A CME form is filled and sent to LBC. Richard Church Assistant DDSL/ Head Teacher or Simon Turner DSL/ Assistant Head Teacher and the Educational Welfare Officer will complete this.
How does Challney High School for Boys prevent students from being radicalised?
Examples include:
- Promoting British Values
- RE and PHSE and other curriculum subjects
- Student Voice
- Student Leadership
- Debating
- Community work
- Parental contact
- Multi-agency approach e.g. Social workers, Prevent Coordinator, guest speakers
- CPD on attachment
- Staff PREVENT Training
How does Challney High School for Boys deal with bullying, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and general discrimination relating to disabilities?
Examples include:
- Promoting British Values
- RE
- PHSE workshop days
- Student Voice
- Student Leadership
- Debating
- Luton Sexual Health Workshops
- Parental contact
- Multi-agency approach e.g. Social workers, guest speakers
- CPD on attachment
- Staff Pivotal training
- Professional support using universal services including Luton Sexual Health, Amber Unit
How does the school address peer on peer abuse?
Examples include:
- Pivotal curriculum-including quiet conversation
- Curriculum e.g. PHSE, RE and all other subject areas
- Student Executives and Student Voice
- Restorative Justice Programme lead by Student Executives
- Universal Services and specialist support including Luton sexual health, Amber unit, Resolution, ACE
- E-safety parent workshops
- E-safety 6 weeks SEND intervention
- Weekly safeguard message sent to pupils
- Form time- developing growth mindset
- 5 Star Challney Learner
- Student Executives trained on Safeguarding
- Daily safeguarding briefing
Which two safeguard concerns if not reported can result in prosecution?
Serious Crime Act 2015 (Child cruelty, Sexual communication, Possession of Paedophile manual, FGM, Anonymity for victim, FGM orders, Forced marriages, Forced marriages order, Duty to notify police, controlling or coercive behaviour in intimate or family relationship). Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Child trafficking).
What is the school procedure when an allegation is made?
Please see Safeguarding action and procedure flow chart detailed above.
What training have staff at Challney High School for Boys received to help safeguard Children?
- Online Child Protection Training
- All staff have been given access to, and read key government documents and guidelines
- Attachment CPD led by Educational Psychologist
- SEND-Provision Map
- Pivotal Curriculum training
- Restorative Justice Programme training given to middle leaders by Student Executives
- Staff induction- vigorous safeguard training including Cpoms training
- Regular emails to staff from NSPCC and Luton Safeguard board training opportunities
- Parent Zone
- Safer recruitment training for designated staff
- Designated Safeguard leader training for designated staff
What de-escalation techniques are used by staff to address pupil behaviour?
- Distraction Therapy
- Focus on positive behaviour
- Non-confrontational - sitting down or standing on your side
- Positive handling
- Pivotal curriculum
Any further questions or concerns?
Please contact a member of our safeguarding team above.
Female genital mutilation (FGM)
The school ensures that its statutory responsibility towards protecting children from Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), is taken very seriously. If you have any concerns about FGM or a child you feel may be at risk, please contact a member of the safeguarding team.
Further information about FGM can be found on the following NSPCC website. ttps://
Child trafficking
Child trafficking and modern slavery are child abuse.
If you have any concerns about a child that you feel may be at risk of child trafficking or modern slavery please contact a member of the safeguarding team.
Children may be trafficked for:- child sexual exploitation
- benefit fraud
- forced marriage
- domestic servitude such as cleaning, childcare, cooking
- forced labour in factories or agriculture
Many children are trafficked into the UK from abroad, but children can also be trafficked from one part of the UK to another.
Further information about this subject can be found via the following link:
Sexual orientation
The Equality Act 2010 gives all sexual orientations the same legal rights.
Challney High School for Boys is committed to the inclusion of all children, regardless of their sexual orientation and will not tolerate any form of homophobia or prejudicial behaviour based on a person's sexual orientation.
Please see other areas of this website, including the school's behaviour policy, for more information on how these issues are dealt with.
Further information about this subject can be found via the following link
Radicalisation refers to the risk of a child being drawn into extreme views and/or violent behaviour.
All staff at the school are trained to raise any concerns that they have that a student may be at risk of radicalisation so that appropriate support can be put in place.
This support may involve working with external agencies through the national Prevent strategy.
Further information about this subject can be found via the following link
Signs that may indicate a child is being radicalised include:
- Isolating themselves from family and friends
- Talking as if from a scripted speech
- Unwillingness or inability to discuss their views
- A sudden disrespectful attitude towards others
- Increased levels of anger
- Increased secretiveness, especially around internet use.
Children who are at risk of radicalisation may have low self-esteem or be victims of bullying or discrimination.
Extremists might target them and tell them they can be part of something special, later brainwashing them into cutting themselves off from their friends and family
Online abuse and E-safety
Online abuse is any type of abuse that happens on the web, whether through social networks, playing online games or using mobile phones.
Children and young people may experience cyberbullying, grooming, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or emotional abuse.
Children can be at risk of online abuse from people they know, as well as from strangers. Online abuse may be part of abuse that is taking place in the real world (for example bullying or grooming). Or it may be that the abuse only happens online (for example persuading children to take part in sexual activity online).
Children can feel like there is no escape from online abuse – abusers can contact them at any time of the day or night, the abuse can come into safe places like their bedrooms, and images and videos can be stored and shared with other people.
The internet is a very powerful and useful resource. But with the digital world changing all the time, all teachers and parents need to be vigilant to keep children safe.
Further information about this subject can be found via the following link:
For guidance on how to keep your children safe on the internet go to:
For more information on Neglect, please click on the following Links:
Forced Marriages
A forced marriage is where one or both of the people involved are forced into a marriage against their will and without their permission.
Further information about this subject can be found via the following link
Drug awareness
Some children and teenagers drink alcohol or take drugs.
But whether this is at home with their family, or with friends at a party, it's a parent's responsibility to make sure they:- Are safe
- Are aware of the risks
- Know when enough is enough.
Mental Health
Mental illness and suicidal thoughts can affect anyone, of any age, of any background, at any time. Like with physical illnesses, people don’t choose to have a mental health problem.
And they need the appropriate care to get better.
Mental illness and suicidal thoughts are common issues for young people.
It can be difficult to know if a child is suffering as they often keep it to themselves.
Warning signs:- Excessive fears and worries
- Extreme hyperactivity
- Sudden decrease in school performance
- Loss of interest in friends or favourite activities
- Loss of appetite
- Sudden changes in weight
- Excessive worry about weight gain
- Sudden changes in sleep habits
- Visible prolonged sadness
- Substance use or abuse
- Seeing or hearing things that are not there
- Destructive behaviour, such as damaging property or setting fires
- Constantly threatening to run away or running away
- Withdrawal from family and friends
- Comments or writings that suggest a desire to harm himself or others
- Drinks alcohol regularly from an early age.
- Is concerned for younger siblings without explaining why.
- Becomes secretive and reluctant to share information.
- Shows challenging/disruptive behaviour at school.
- Is reluctant to get changed for sports etc.
More useful national websites:
- (Advisory Centre for Education)
- For information about Drug and Alcohol Services in Luton please go to
- If you want to learn more about Child Sexual Exploitation
- For guidance on how to keep your children safe on the internet go to
- For more information on Neglect, please click on the NSPCC Report Links:
Further useful contacts:
The following organisations offer support and information to parents and carers: - Family Lives (formerly Parentline Plus) helpline: 0808 800 2222 (Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 9.00 pm, Saturday 9.30 am to 5.00 pm, Sunday 10.00 am to 3.00 pm).
- Kidscape helpline for parents: 08451 205204 (10.00 am to 4.00 pm).
- Anti Bullying Campaign advice line for parents and children: 020 7378 1446(9.30 am to 5.00 pm)
- Children's Legal Centre (free legal advice on all aspects of the law affecting children and young people): 0845 120 2948
- Childline Phone: 0800 1111 - NSPCC
Phone 0808 8005000 - LBC Rapid Intervention And Assessment Team (RIAT) Duty Desk - 01582 547653
- Emergency Duty Team (out of hours) – 0300 3008123
- Bedfordshire Police Specialist Public Protection enquiries – 01234 846960 (0700hrs to 1700hrs weekdays 0800 to 1600hrs weekends)
In an emergency telephone 999
The NSPCC Helpline has launched a mobile phone texting service which will allow members of the public to contact the Helpline by texting 88858.
For information about Drug and Alcohol Services in Luton please go to
Advocates and Independent Visitors Service
Support for children and young peopleThe Advocacy and Independent Visitors Service for Luton Borough Council is provided by the National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS).
NYAS is a children's rights organisation. Established over 35 years ago, it is now one of the largest children’s advocacy providers in England and Wales.
NYAS recruits advocates from a wide variety of backgrounds, including those with expertise of working with children and young people with disabilities, communication issues, and mental health problems.
All their Advocates and Independent Visitors are provided with training accredited to Level 3 through the OCN and are recruited by Safer Recruitment processes.
NYAS provides Independent Visitors and advocates for:- Looked after children
- Care leavers
- Young people "in need".
The helpline is open from 9am to 8pm from Monday to Friday, and from 10am to 4pm on Saturdays.
Freephone: 0808 808 1001
Webchat/further information:
Counselling service at Tokko Youth Space
The counselling service at Tokko can help with a whole range of problems, including:- Loss and bereavement
- Sexual identity
- Depression
- Eating disorders
- Bullying
- Anger
- Teenage pregnancy
- Unhappiness
- Self-harm
- Anxiety
Youth counselling service
Tokko Youth Space
Gordon Street
Young people can make an appointment online via the Luton Youth Service website or by calling Tokko Youth Space on 01582 544990.
This service is delivered by Relate Bedfordshire and Luton, and Sorted Counselling Service.
Further external support
- (Advisory Centre for Education)
Useful National Helpline numbers
The following organisations offer support and information to parents and carers:
- Family Lives (formerly Parentline Plus) helpline: 0808 800 2222 (Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 9.00 pm, Saturday 9.30 am to 5.00 pm, Sunday 10.00 am to 3.00 pm)
- Kidscape helpline for parents: 08451 205204 (10.00 am to 4.00 pm)
- Anti Bullying Campaign advice line for parents and children: 020 7378 1446(9.30 am to 5.00 pm)
- Children's Legal Centre (free legal advice on all aspects of the law affecting children and young people): 0845 120 2948
The Luton Family Information Service (FIS) provides information, advice and guidance on a variety of services, helplines and websites that can be useful to parents, carers, children and young people up to the age of 20.
This includes information for the parents of disabled children, careers in childcare, activities for young people and help with the cost of childcare. FIS also supports schools by providing information and resources around careers advice.
The Service is open from 8.45am to 5.15pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.45am to 4.30pm on Fridays.
The FIS is located at:
Tel: 01582 548 888
External support for pupils with SEND
The service offers appointments between 4pm and 8pm.