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In Computing, there are four key areas of opportunity to develop you super-curricular knowledge for studying Computing at a higher level.

1. Online Lectures and videos

2. Extra-Curricular Computing

3. School Trips

4. Recommended reading


  1. Online Lectures/podcasts


Teach ICT

  BBC Bitesize


Teach Computing

Khan Academy

Craig and Dave


  1. Extracurricular Computing

Apps for Good

Digital Leaders

Computing Competitions (HHA to look into)

Astro Pi

School Trips 

Bett Show

National Museum of Computing(MK)- 1 trip suggestion per person

Silicon Roundabout

Microsoft Headquarters (Reading)

 Recommended Reading

Computer Coding by Carol Vorderman

Trapped in a video game by Dustin Brady

 Artificial intelligence by Michael Wooldridge

Python for Kids Jason R Briggs

Learn to Program with Minecraft by Craig Richardson

Computational Fairy Tales by Jeremy Kubica

Code Breaker by Stephen Pincock