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School Uniform

We believe that looking smart and dressing in a manner appropriate for the serious business of school work is an important attribute for boys to learn to make them ready for their future studies and careers.

All boys are expected to wear school uniform.

The details are listed below:

  • A grey school blazer must be worn by Year 7 & 8.

  • A grey or black blazer must be worn in Year 9, 10 and 11.

  • A plain white shirt designed to take a tie.

  • A pair of plain traditional black trousers (not corduroy, not embroidered, no Chinos or jean style etc.).

  • A pair of traditional black school shoes (no boots, high tops or trainers).

  • The grey Challney High School for Boys long sleeved pullover with a V-neck is optional.

  • A school tie: You may purchase the Year 7 2024 school tie from the school on the first day of term in September for £5.00.

  • All boys should have a plain, long-sleeved, waterproof coat to keep them warm and dry, gilets are not permitted.

  • Boys are not allowed to wear badges or wristbands except those that have been provided by the school e.g. Leadership badges.

  • Boys are not allowed to wear hoodies, sleeveless coats, tracksuit tops, leather or leather lookalike jackets or other items that aren’t plain and waterproof.

  • Boys are allowed to wear mosque caps, Kippahs and turbans. These must be black, white or green.


Hair should be of traditional style.

There should be no cuts or lines in hair or eyebrows.


No jewellery is allowed e.g. ear studs/rings, medallions, any rings for reasons of health and safety.

For Sporting Activities 

  • Outdoors black Challney rugby top

  • Black & green Challney shorts

  • Black football socks

  • Shin pads

  • Training shoes or plimsolls

  • Football boots

  • Gum shield

Other Equipment 

The school will provide all text and exercise books.

However, all students must have the following:

The school will provide all text and exercise books. However all students must have the following:
• A strong school bag, large enough to hold folders and books
• Variety of pens, blue or black for writing, green for correcting work
• Ruler
• Rubber
• Several pencils and a sharpener
• Set of colouring pencils
• Large pencil case, preferably see-through.
• Dictionary
• A scientific calculator
• Compass, protractor and set square

School Uniform Suppliers 


JS Sports and Schoolwear

22 Neville Road

Luton | Bedfordshire


01582 494401




Prestige Design and Workwear
Unit 12
Barton Industrial Estate Barton-Le-Clay
MK45 4RP
01582 883222 