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Behaviour for Learning

The School Rules 

Challney High School for Boys is a place to learn.

We are a community. Every member of this community, therefore, has a responsibility to make sure that every other member is given the opportunity to learn in a happy, safe and stimulating environment.

To make this happen we must all follow these simple rules:


As Challney Learners, be ready for learning by making sure that:

  • We have a positive attitude to learning by understanding what our goals and targets are and how we will achieve them.
  • We are prepared to learn every day in full school uniform, with the correct equipment, having completed homework and knowing clearly our timetable for the day.
  • Our behaviour supports our learning by being at school and at lessons every day and on time, with a calm, enquiring and diligent disposition.


As Challney Gentlemen, be respectful at all times by making sure that:

  • We are polite, courteous and well mannered to each other, to visitors, to all adults in the school and to members of the wider community on our way to and from school. This includes when we visit other places as representatives of the school.
  • We look after school property and our learning environment by keeping it clean, neat, tidy and by making sure we never wilfully damage or deface school property or other people’s property.
  • We always treat others as we would expect to be treated ourselves, showing ourselves to be true Challney gentlemen.


As Challney Leaders and Citizens, to keep ourselves and each other safe at all times we must:

  • Think carefully before we act and never do things like pushing or running inside that may hurt ourselves or someone else.
  • Look out for each other and talk to an adult we trust if we feel anyone is unhappy, being bullied or in trouble. This includes resolving our differences positively, with the help of adults, and never resorting to physical or verbal aggression.
  • Follow the school’s guidelines for staying safe when we use the internet.

Essential Manners:

  • Say please and thank you
  • Say excuse me and sorry
  • Listen and respond to conversation
  • Smile and make eye contact when talking to people
  • Be disciplined in understanding and obeying instructions
  • Respect family and friends
  • Respect all adults equally
  • Respect your own and other people’s belongings
  • Have good table manners
  • Show concern for others by holding open doors, giving up seats and helping anyone who is struggling
  • Introduce yourself confidently
  • Have the confidence to behave correctly in different situations
  • Be thoughtful about behaviour in public by not spitting, swearing, littering or using a mobile phone or iPod inappropriately

(Suggestions by Penny Palmano, author of Yes, Please, Thanks, published by Harper Collins)