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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Welcome & Introduction

At Challney High School for Boys we enjoy a proud heritage of excellent examination results, sporting achievements and positive contributions to our local community and we work tirelessly to maintain our high standards.

We aim to make sure that our exam results every year reflect our mission. In 2022, over half our cohort (56.8%) achieved strong passes (grades 9-5 or better) in English and mathematics. 74.6% of the cohort achieved standard passes (grades 9-4 or better) in both subjects. In English Literature, a subject generally regarded as one where girls do much better than boys, 30% of the cohort achieved the very top grades of 9-7, 68% achieved strong passes and 81% standard passes.

The reasons boys achieve at this school are many, but particularly because we encourage:

  • their parents, carers, teachers and other adults to notice what they do well and praise them regularly, consistently and specifically;
  • adults tell them they can achieve; we show them how to achieve, we let them achieve and we praise them when they achieve;
  • them to READ, READ, READ and the adults to read with them; them to read by themselves and adults to share their love of reading;
  • adults to give them responsibility for themselves and for others, to support them to tie their own ties and clean their own shoes and organise their school bag for the next school day, to read with their younger siblings and cousins and friends and to do chores around the house, increasingly becoming leaders;
  • adults to talk with them and listen to them and answer their questions and ask them
    questions and do things together with them;
  • them to work hard, to try hard, to never give up, to do their homework (and more), to come to school regularly and to see these things as strength.

This is our vision for our school and we work tirelessly with all our partners to realise it. I hope that you find the information you are looking for on our site but, if not, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Mr Mark Mailer  | Head Teacher


High achievement and access for all are our shared responsibilities.