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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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We recognise that technology now plays an essential role in society, impacting on most aspects of our daily lives including: our relationships, our work, our commerce, our entertainment, our communication, our personal organisation and our learning. Understanding the impact of technology, being skilled in the application of technology
and having access to the benefits of technology are becoming as critical to learning and personal development as reading and writing.

It follows, therefore, that a lack of access to technology for learning is increasingly equivalent to a lack of access to books, pen and paper.

Taking this into account, our vision is for a school where:

All students:

  • Understand how to use technology to enhance and support their learning and, as a consequence, improve the quality of their lives, so they become more independent and resilient learners.
  • Have access to appropriate technology for learning at school and are supported to use technology more effectively at home. Learn, grow and develop to know and understand how to use technology safely.
  • Leave the school equipped to benefit from technology in their further and higher education, careers, and personal lives 

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Chromebook for Learning Scheme - Video to Parents



Chromebook for Learning Scheme - Poster

chromebook for learning flyer.pdf


Chromebook for Learning - Parent Handbook 

chsb chromebooks for learning parent handbook september 2022.pdf



Improving 40 million Chromebooks for education