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In Science, there are five key areas of opportunity to develop you super-curricular knowledge for studying Science at a higher level.

1. Online Lectures/podcasts

2. Extracurricular Science

3. School trips

4. Places of Scientific interest to visit

5. Recommended reading


1. Online lectures and podcasts 

  1. FreeScienceLessons - Free condensed lessons for GCSE AQA Science (Trilogy+Triple)
    1. Chemistry Paper 1
    2. Chemistry Paper 2
    3. Biology Paper 1
    4. Biology Paper 2
    5. Physics Paper 1
    6. Physics Paper 2
    7. Required practicals
  2. Kay Science - Free illustrated lessons for GCSE AQA Science
  3. Malmesbury Education - Free in depth required practical demonstrations
  4. Kurzgesagt - In a nut shell - Short videos explaining the universe
    1. Human stuff
    2. Medicine & Biology
    3. Science and other stuff explained
  5. TED-Ed - Engage in extracurricular podcasts relevant to science
    1. A Bug’s Life
    2. Humans vs. Viruses
    3. The wonders of Earth
    4. Understanding genetics
    5. Awesome Nature


2. Extra-Curricular Science


  1. KS3 STEM Club - Afterschool club engaging with extra curricular projects and practicals (Weekly)
  2. KS4 extracurricular podcasts - Weekly GCSEPOD podcasts shared on Google classroom
  3. KS3 extracurricular podcasts - Weekly GCSEPOD podcasts shared on Google classroom
  4. Lockheed Martin: Spaceport - A collaborative project with Maths and Engineering to design a Spaceport on of the the sites selected by Lockheed Martin. An opportunity to apply scientific knowledge and understanding in a real life scenario (October 21)
  5. KS3 Climate change summit - Investigating a sustainable future (February)
  6. Challney Chirpers - Third annual event. Incubation of chicken eggs to hatching (March 22) 
  7. British Science Week - Annual event to celebrate Science across the country through competitions, workshops and projects (March)



3. School trips


  1. Big Bang Fair - The Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Fair is an annual celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) for 7 to 19 year olds It brings classroom learning to life for young people, allows them to meet hundreds of scientists and engineers, to get hands-on with science and engineering and shows them where their STEM studies might lead in the future. (March)
  2. Silverstone Museum - An opportunity to engage, entertain, empower and enable people by unlocking amazing stories of human endeavour. We aim to change perceptions about motor racing and STEM (science, technology, engineering & maths), inspire visitors to realise their potential and deliver shared experiences. (Spring/Summer)
  3. GCSE Science Live - The chance to see and hear five of Britain’s top scientists, all working at the cutting edge of their specialisms.The scientists are carefully chosen for their ability to communicate with students of this age in a direct and exciting way. (Spring/Summer)


 4. Places of Scientific interest to visit (Bedfordshire)


  1. Barton Hills - This is steeply sloping chalk pasture, which has a wide variety of grasses and flowers. A chalk stream along the valley floor adds wetland flora. Six orchid species have been recorded, including the fragrant orchid and bee orchid. Another notable plant is the pasque flower.
  2. Biddenham Pit - This site has interglacial mollusk and mammal fossils, but it is uncertain which warmer period is represented. The lowest level also has Paleolithic stone tools
  3. Deacon Hill - The site is calcareous grassland which is rich in plant species, some of which are uncommon. Birds include lapwings and buzzards, and there are butterflies such as dingy and grizzled skippers. There are also the remains of ancient strip lynchet fields.
  4. Double Arches Pit - This site exposes the Lower Greensand geological layer, dating to the Lower Cretaceous around 146 to 100 million years ago.
  5. Kensworth Chalk Pit - The site is a large working quarry which exposes fossiliferous chalk rocks with many rare fossils including ammonites. It is described by Natural England as "an unrivalled locality for stratigraphic studies in the Upper Cretaceous"


 5. Recommended reading

  1. Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words by Randall Munroe
  2. Human Universe by Brian Cox and Andrew Cohen
  3. The Best Physics Books for Teenagers - The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe
  4. The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe
  5. The Double Helix by James Watson
  6. What Mad Pursuit by Francis Crick
  7. Time, Love, Memory by Jonathan Weiner
  8. Virolution by Frank Ryan
  9. A Life Decoded by Craig Venter
  10. Periodic Tales: The curious lives of the elements by Hugh Aldersey-Williams.