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High Learning Potential

HLP students (formerly known as 'Gifted and Talented') have been defined as those students who have one or more abilities developed to a level significantly ahead of their year group (or with the potential to develop these abilities).

HLP students are those who will exceed the expectations for their age group, either in all subjects or just one. The HLP cohort are a diverse group and their range of attainment will be varied; some do well in statutory national curriculum tests or national qualifications. However, being HLP covers much more than the ability to succeed in tests and examinations.

HLP students comprise around 5-10% of the school population. At Challney Boys we identify the HLP students in all subjects.  

How does Challney Boys identify HLP students?

Our HLP students are identified on entry to the school using information held by primary schools about that student’s learning and achievements in Key Stage 2. We use this information to make sure we provide students with the right level of challenge.

We have developed a culture of high expectations for students and teachers so that the quality of curriculum delivery, teaching and assessment in both foundation and core subjects is high. This begins with identification based on Key Stage 2 data, rigorous target setting and careful tracking and intervention.

In addition to using data provided by primary schools, HLP students will be identified over time using:

  • Subject identification criteria – reviewed at the start of the year and published to all staff and students
  • Subject area nominations – based on relevant assessment profiles using multiple types of quality assessment including teacher assessment
  • Assessment results – such as standard tests, CATs and examination performance externally and internally
  • HLP Coordinator nomination – using data that tracks the performance of students, the HLP Coordinator will also examine nominations to make sure the correct students are identified and placed on the register.

What are the opportunities and events for HLP students?

There are many opportunities for HLP students including:

  • Apps for Good 
  • Tomorrow’s Engineers 
  • STEM Day
  • Visits to Wadham College
  • 6th form Master classes
  • Luton Project
  • External speakers
  • Applications for scholarships
  • Brilliant Tutoring
  • Scholars Programme