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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Home School Agreement

The Parents

We will support our child and the school in the following ways:

  • support the aims and values of the school as set out in the school’s prospectus

  • encourage our child to do well in the areas of school life

  • ensure that our child attends school regularly, on time, in school uniform, and to inform the school immediately if this is not possible

  • support the school’s guidelines on discipline and behaviour and ensure he does not bring a mobile phone to school unless permission has been granted

  • provide a suitable time and place for our child to do his homework, and to support him in his learning at home

  • keep in contact with the school by reading and signing this organiser each week, and attend parents’ evenings

  • take an active interest in our son’s learning and school life

The School

The school will support the parents and children in the following ways:

  • provide a clear statement of the school’s aims and values

  • establish an ethos of hard work and mutual respect

  • inform parents if their child’s attendance and punctuality is not up to standard

  • set out firm and clear guidelines on behaviour and discipline, and to involve parents when problems arise

  • set homework in line with the school’s homework policy and timetable, and to inform parents through the planner when homework is set

  • keep parents informed about their son’s progress through written reports and parents’ evenings

  • provide a clear complaints procedure for parents to use if they are dissatisfied

The Students

I will support myself and other members of the school in the following ways:

  • attend school every day unless there is a good reason such as genuine illness
  • arrive promptly, ready to start at 8.45am, with the proper equipment

  • wear the school uniform in the appropriate manner

  • respect all other students and adults at school, as well as the school environment

  • adhere to the expected very high standards of discipline and conduct

  • observe all the health and safety rules of the school

  • give my best at all times by being an active learner in order to achieve my potential

  • adhere to the ICT acceptable use policy at all times and not bring a mobile phone to school

Please sign your son's school PERSONAL ORGANISER & REWARD PASSPORT to confirm you have read, understood and agree with the Home School Agreement.