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Remote Learning

Welcome to the remote learning guide for parents. This page has been designed to support you throughout any period of school closure in order to ensure your son continues with his learning from home. Here you will find a collection of resources that will guide you in supporting you son to establish routines for remote learning that are; safe, resourceful, organised and productive. 

Our 'Remote Learning Offer' sets out the schools bold ambition to continue to provide outstanding education for your child, irrespective of the situation we are currently facing. 

Key Information

The 'Remote Learning Policy' has been developed to support you with any period of remote education and contains answers to a number of frequently asked questions. If you have any further questions please use the following contacts:

General Support: remotelearning@challneyboys.co.uk

SEND Team: supportforlearning@challneyboys.co.uk  


Our YouTube channel will be updated regularly with videos from staff at Challney High School for Boys, in particular Mr Connor, who will provide a weekly address to ensure you as parents are aware of any ongoing developments. The latest video is available below: 




Challney Reader

Reading remains of critical importance for so many brilliant reasons and should continue throughout this period of remote education. Every Friday morning, until 9:30am, your son will be set resources to support the 'Reading Aloud' initiative which for KS3 is focused on 'Private Peaceful' and KS4 'All Quiet on the Western Front'. These will take the form of comprehension activities and chaptered readings by staff at Challney, sent out by Mr Cross each week.

Our YouTube channel contains a library of audiobooks that have been read by staff to support your son in developing reading fluency at home. These should be used in addition to reading, not as a replacement, so where possible ensure he has access to high quality texts, either through the local library or our school e-library. 


Due to the increase in time that your son will be spending online, it is important to ensure he is using the internet safely and appropriately. Staff at Challney have produced instructional videos to support you with this in; English, Urdu & Bengali. The following links are also available for further support;


Useful Links:


  • Below are collection of links that can be used to support your son to work remotely;


Thousands of cross-curricular podcasts designed to enhance learning and support revision


Science based revision resource that encourages regular retrieval practice

BBC Newsround

This is a useful resource for the latest news.

My Maths

My Maths.co.uk contains revision pages, games, puzzles, offline activities readymade Maths lessons for using on an interactive whiteboard.

Maths Watch

MathsWatch is an online virtual learning platform containing Mathematics video clips and worksheets.  It is available at key stages 3 and 4.

Mr Barton Maths

A helpful website including access to past papers

Cool Math 4 Kids

Maths games, fun maths lessons, puzzles and brain benders, flash cards for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and geometry.

Maths is Fun

Maths explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, quizzes, worksheets and a forum for kids, teachers and parents.

BBC Education

BBC Schools – learning resources for home and school including BBC Bitesize

Oak National

Almost 10,000 free lessons and resources. Made by teachers, for every teacher and every pupil.


Online software to create engaging and informative presentations

AQA Subjects

Information relating to AQA subjects ie. specifications etc


Information relating to Edexcel subjects ie specifications etc


Science textbooks and other resources


This is an online learning tool which is edited by your son's teachers and his usage is tracked as part of his home learning. He has to achieve at least 5000 points in the group course each week to show us his engagement.
