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In History, there are five key areas of opportunity to develop you super-curricular knowledge for studying History at a higher level.

1. Online Lectures and videos

2. History debating team

3. Visiting places of historical significance

4. Attending History trips

5. Recommended reading


1. Online Lectures and videos

Click on one of the links below to view

Deepen your knowledge of the Challney Curriculum by clicking on one of the links below:

 How did Hitler rise to power?

 How to turn protest into powerful change?

 Where did Russia come from?

Who was  Mansa Musa?

 The complex geometry of Islamic design

 Did Shakespeare write his plays?

The Atlantic Slave Trade. What too few textbooks told you.

The Bubonic Plague

A brief History of religion in art.

 History versus Lenin

 Lessons from Auschwitz

World War Two (Real footage in colour)


University lectures (Advanced). Try a University style lecture by clicking a link below:

 Pershing Lecture Series: The Russian Revolution - Sean N. Kalic and Gates Brown

  History-What Really Happened? Excellent Lecture on Historiography

 The Military History of the First World War: An Overview and Analysis - Professor David Stevenson

  Plagues and history, by Chris Dobson and Mary Dobson

 Lecture 1: Introduction to Power and Politics in Today’s World


Broaden your knowledge by exploring issues outside of the Challney Curriculum by clicking on a link below:

 Why History Matters.

The History of Our World in 18 minutes.

 What is McCarthyism and how did it happen?

 The Myth of Icarus and Daedalus

 The Exceptional Life of Benjamin Banneker

 What caused the French Revolution?

 The History of the Cuban Missile Crisis

 This is Sparta. Fierce Warriors of the Ancient World

 History versus Napoleon

 Who was Confucius?

 What makes the Great Wall of China so extraordinary?

 The ancient origins of the Olympics

 The Akune Brothers

 History versus Genghis Khan

 What did democracy really mean in Ancient Athens?

 The Silk Road

 The contributions of female explorers


University lectures (Advanced) Try a University style lecture by clicking on a link below:

 Life in the ancient world, by Michael Scott

 A selection of 119 Yale University lectures on topics ranging from the Dark Ages to Modern times.


2. The History Debating Team

Open for all year groups in Y8 after school on Wednesdays to debate interesting historical questions.



3. Visiting places of historical significance 


 Click on one of the following links below to get ideas for visits

Places to visit or explore in Luton.

Places to visit or explore in Bedfordshire.

Places to visit or explore in London.

Places to visit or explore in the UK.


4. Attending History Trips


trips in history 2021 2022 november 2021 1 .pdf



5. Recommended reading

- Use the Challney E library to download for free History fictional books.

-See our Challney recommended History reading list to buy books or ask the department to see if you can borrow one.

-Read magazine articles on a range of different History topics.