Homework is any work or activity which students are asked to do outside lesson time either on their own or with parents or carers.
We believe this is an essential part of a student’s learning and in Key Stage 3 should involve:
- Reading - Regular reading for pleasure should be encouraged and measured (reading logs)
- Studying - Studying for tests is not considered homework but is a required activity for each class. Studying can include specific spelling and/or vocabulary assignments (ie. repetitive writing, sentence writing, etc.)
- Math Reinforcements - Defined as a reasonable amount of math problems in order to reinforce the lesson
- Make-up Assignments - Students may complete class assignments that they were unable to complete in class because of absences or lack of participation.
We also strongly believe that our students also need to develop their skills of independent learning and therefore have introduced a cross-curricular literacy based Independent Learning Project across all students in Key Stage 3.
Show My Homework and GCSEPod
The school uses the online platform, Show My Homework to record all homework set. All students receive login details in September. Parents are encouraged to check their son's homework account regularly so that they can help with homework and monitor progress. Show My Homework replaces the traditional school planner which is now a school organiser for the recording of attendance and achievement.
Staff will often set homework for students in Years 10 and 11 using GCSEPod and Tassomai an online revision tool. Parents are also encouraged to get to know this resource as a powerful aid to support their son's studies.
English teacher, Mr Bruff, makes YouTube, Podcasts and videos on GCSE English Language and Literature, it is a great way to learn and revise - join the fun! https://mrbruff.com
At Key Stage 4, the purpose of homework is:
- To encourage students to develop the confidence and self-discipline to work on their own, an essential skill for adult life.
- To consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding
- To extend school learning, for example through additional reading.
- To enable students to devote time to particular demands such as GCSE coursework or project work.
Students must be able to work independently and have the skills and self-discipline to revise.
It is the school’s responsibility to teach them how to study and to provide the scaffolding for them to be self-managing learners, it is the parents and carers' responsibility to ensure they have the tools at home to be able to study and to support the students whenever possible and it is the students responsibility to take pride in their work and seek help when they know they need it.