In Sociology, there are four key areas of opportunity to develop you super-curricular knowledge for studying Sociology at a higher level.
1. Online podcasts
2. Online lectures
3.Recommended Reading
4. Visiting places of interest
1. Online podcasts
Deepen your knowledge of the Challney Curriculum
- The Guilty Feminist (Deborah Francis-White)
- Revisionist History by Malcolm Gladwell – search for episodes on racism and poverty in education (Series 1, episodes 4 and 5) (Series 2, episodes 3 and 4)
- BBC ‘The Missing Cryptoqueen’ – great links to crime and globalisation.
- Radiolab - not all of these will be relevant. However, episodes like Eye in the Sky covers surveillance, have been episodes on human trafficking and in the series ‘G’ they covered how IQ tests discriminated against children in schools in the US.
- Freakonomics
- Planet Money
- 99% invisible
2. Online lectures
- Connected Sociologies:
- The Making of the Modern World:
- British Citizenship, Race and Rights:
- Policing Crime and Violence
- Introduction to Sociology, New York University
3. Recommended reading
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, Michael Foucault-
- The Good Immigrant, Niklesh Shukla
- Chavs, The Demonization of the Working Class, Owen Jones
- It’s not about the Burqa, Mariam Khan et al
- The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx
4. Visiting places of interest
- The British Museum, London,
- Highgate Cemetery, London (Karl Marx’s grave),
- Clink Prison Museum, London,
- St Pauls Cathedral, London.
- East London Mosque, London,