Careers Education Information, Advice & Guidance
Click Here to Access Our dedicated Careers Hub that contains our CEIAG offer at Challney High School for Boys
Careers Programme
At Challney High School for Boys we are dedicated to raising students aspirations and supporting young people to achieve their potential. Our careers programme meets both The Quality in Careers standard and all eight Gatsby Benchmarks of good careers guidance. Career learning will prepare students for opportunities and helps young people to make successful life decisions and transition to adulthood. Students get a sense of real-life experiences when exposed to meaningful encounters with employers and further and higher education providers. This enhances their employability skills and makes them more aware of opportunities once completing high school.
Our CEIAG* Manager supports students with completing application forms, interview techniques, CV writing and Career planning. Particular support is given to students in Year 8 when selecting options, Year 10 whilst embarking on a one week work experience in the summer term and supporting Year 11 students in their transition to further education or apprenticeships after finishing school.
*Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
Student Entitlement
Year 7
- Students are supported to recognise skills and qualities they need in life to be successful through emphasis on transferable skills during their PSHE Careers lessons.
- Students become aware of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) careers by being involved in activity days delivered through external providers such as Medical Mavericks
- Students learn about Personal finance and money management through life skills lessons.
- During National Careers Week students engage in careers learning through subjects in the wider curriculum as well as meeting STEM ambassadors
- Students meet Alumni and have the opportunity to ask questions about career journeys
- Students are introduced to Unifrog an online tool to begin their journey in planning their careers
Year 8
- The emphasis in this year is subject choices and options
- Students meet apprenticeship providers during an Apprenticeships fair.
- Parents and students attend Future options evening
- Students follow up on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) careers by being further involved in activity days delivered through external providers
- Students attend Employer visits related to subject areas
- Students attend an aspirational visit to a University campus
- Students are supported to recognise skills and qualities they need in life to be successful through emphasis on transferable skills during their PSHE Careers lessons.
- During National Careers Week students engage in careers learning through subjects in the wider curriculum as well as meeting STEM ambassadors and Alumni
- Students are encouraged to explore and complete Unifrog Online to help make decisions about their careers
Year 9
- Students attend Employer visits related to subject areas
- Students have the opportunity to get involved in Enterprise with Prince’s Trust.
- During National Careers Week students engage in careers learning through subjects in the wider curriculum as well as meeting STEM ambassadors and Alumni
- Students complete a Careers programme delivered in their Maths curriculum subject.
- Providers such as Natwest deliver financial awareness and employability workshops through the Career sense programme
- Offered 1:1 interview with an internal Careers Adviser for identified, targeted students (SEN, Pupil Premium, EAL).
- Students attend a Pathways assembly to explain routes for post 16.
- Students continue to explore and complete Unifrog Online to help make decisions about their careers and record skills
Year 10
Students attend aspiration visits to universities such as Wadham College (Oxford)
Students attend Employer visits related to subject areas
Students follow up on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) careers by being further involved in activity days
Students complete a Careers programme delivered in their Maths curriculum subject.
1 week work experience and exposure to the world of work to develop their skills and abilities
Students attend Business speed networking events meeting different local businesses
During National Careers Week students engage in careers learning through subjects in the wider curriculum as well as meeting STEM ambassadors and Alumni
Opportunity to visit Business such as Easyjet through their curriculum subjects.
Offered 1:1 interview with an external Careers Adviser for any identified, targeted students (SEN, Pupil Premium, EAL).
Students attend college insight days to further explore their options Post 16.
Students continue to explore and complete Unifrog Online to help make decisions about their careers and record skills
Year 11
- Sixth Form Colleges/Schools, Further Education colleges, Apprenticeship providers attend assembly to present options available post 16.
- Students revisit recognising skills and qualities they need in life to be successful
- Support and guidance is given in applying for Post 16 opportunities
- Apprenticeships fair in school with providers to showcase opportunities for school leavers at 16 and 18+
- UK University and Apprenticeships Fair
- Visits to Berkhamsted School for their scholarship programme.
- Offered 1:1 interview with an external Careers Adviser for any identified, targeted students (SEN, Pupil Premium, EAL).
- Students continue to explore and complete Unifrog Online to help make decisions about their careers and record skills
Labour Market Information

Careers support and guidance is available to all students whilst at school through our programme to build on students aspirations and help them make a decision about their future. However, we understand that there is a lot of information which can be difficult to process by both parents and students. As parents have a great influence on the decision your child makes so it’s important you have access to the right and most up to date information. Your guidance is very important particularly in Year 8 and year 11.
Parent and Students Handbooks on Year 11 Careers PlanningWe have to give you more information on colleges and apprenticeships.
For more advice and careers information for parents please visit:
If you have any careers-related concerns or queries for your child please contact Mrs Pancholi on 01582 599921 or email
We are keen to hear your feedback about your son’s careers experiences and how we have helped him prepare for his next steps either into his next year or Post 16. Please follow the link and complete this short questionnaire.
Here at Challney High School for Boys we make every attempt to give our students every opportunity to access the world of work, and we welcome employers, industry representatives and training providers to contact us to support our students in increasing their knowledge about employability. Here is a list of possible activities you could get involved in within our school:
- Work experience placements
- Workplace visits
- Careers talks
- CV writing advice
- Interview preparation
- Mentoring
- Enterprise competitions
If you are able to support any of the above activities to help our students, we would really like to hear from you.
You can contact Shital Pancholi Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Manager (Careers Leader), at the school on 01582 599921 ext 378 or email
Provider Access Policy
IntroductionThis policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Student Entitlement
All students in Years 8-11 are entitled:
- To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
- To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships - through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events;
- To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Management of provider access requests Procedure
A provider wishing to request access should contact Shital Pancholi, CEIAG Manager Telephone: 01582 599921; email:
Opportunities for access
A range of events, which are integrated into the Challney High School for Boys careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents. The calendar of events varies from year to year; therefore, providers need to contact the appropriate staff member named above to identify the most suitable opportunity. These events are usually calendared well in advance, so it is essential that providers contact us early in the academic year to be involved in our planning. Access to students will be granted on the understanding that the information and guidance offered by providers is related to technical courses and apprenticeship opportunities only. Challney High School for Boys policy on safeguarding sets out the School’s approach to allowing providers into its schools as visitors to talk to our students.
Premises and facilities
Challney High School for Boys will make available the main hall, Green Room or classrooms for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. Our school will also make available specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the CEIAG Manager.
Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature at the school to be displayed in the Careers Library which is managed by the CEIAG Manager. The Careers library is in the Main Library and is available to all students.