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COVID 19 Update - Monday 5th October 2020

COVID 19 Update - Monday 5th October 

I am pleased to report that no students returned positive test results last week and so currently, no groups of students are required to self-isolate. We are keeping in touch with a very few individual students who are self-isolating and we will continue to support them with their remote learning.

Parents are aware that our current Covid-security measures require students to eat their lunch outside as long as the weather is dry. Outside is generally a much safer, virus-free environment than indoors and it means that we can avoid large gatherings of students in confined spaces such as the school canteens. On Friday of last week, because the weather was so bad, students ate their lunch in the school hall, the Buttery and the Green Room. This required much higher levels of hygiene, mask-wearing and adult supervision and I am pleased to say that the students responded very sensibly so that we could continue to ensure everybody was as safe from the transmission of infection as possible. I would like to thank the students for their mature behaviour and also to thank the staff, many of whom gave up their lunch breaks and their morning breaks in order to supervise students in the dry. We hope that there will not be too many days through the autumn and winter months when we experience such extreme weather conditions.

We continue to apply all our Covid-security routines consistently and diligently. As long as we all do so, we will continue to minimise the spread of infection and minimise the need for groups of students to self-isolate.


  • Keep your son at home if he or anyone else in the household becomes symptomatic.
  • Observe regular hygiene routines.
  • Maintain a social distance from others of one metre or more as much as possible.
  • Remind your son to follow the one-way system around the school as well as the separate entrances and outdoor “bubble” spaces.
  • Ensure your son has a clean, reusable face mask every day, to wear in our public, indoor areas such as corridors.
  • If you are not sure about any of the above, contact school.

The way in which we have all pulled together as a school to look after each other is a real credit to you as parents, to your sons and to the staff. In this way, we are protecting our young peoples’ education and we are protecting the health of the community.

Daniel Connor | Head Teacher