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Students at Challney Boys celebrate GCSE results

Students at Challney High School for Boys are celebrating an excellent set of GCSE results today. The school secured improvements across the board, with 42% of students achieving the higher Level 5-9 in English and Maths and 65% Level 4-9 – an increase of 6 percentage points on last year.

Many of the boys also achieved the very highest 7, 8 and 9 grades with nearly 30% achieving these top grades in at least three or more subjects.

Headteacher, Daniel Connor said, “I am particularly pleased with the way in which our results this year are an improvement in almost every subject area on our results last year, which were already very strong. Our students this year have achieved even better in English (up by six points), in mathematics (up by four points) and in all science subjects (chemistry, biology, physics and trilogy science) as well as in virtually every other subject.

“Particular congratulations are due to those classes where every single student achieved a strong (grade 9-5) pass, including physics, Italian, Urdu, Arabic, business studies and hospitality. Over 70% of boys achieved strong passes in RE, computer science, chemistry and biology.

“These excellent GCSE results are a testament to the hard work and dedication of the school’s extremely strong team of teachers, as well as the outstanding work ethic and ambition on the part of our students and their parents. Our hats go off to them and we wish them all every success in their future studies. These results represent a continuation of Challney’s long tradition of academic excellence.”

Challney High School for Boys’ open evening has already been scheduled for Thursday 12th October 5-7pm.

Find out more about Challney High School for Boys by visiting www.challneyboys.co.uk.