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GCSE celebrations at Challney High School for Boys

Students at Challney High School for Boys have lots to celebrate after receiving another fantastic set of outcomes in their 2023 GCSE results.

The school, part of the Chiltern Learning Trust and Ofsted Outstanding since 2007, continues its tradition of robust academic outcomes which provide its students with enhanced agency over their life choices, whether it be continuing their studies or commencing employment. Indeed the 2019 Ofsted report highlighted how the school ‘transforms pupils’ life chances’.

This year, there is much to celebrate with six students achieving the highest 8s and 9s in 10 subjects, and 17 students achieving 7–9 grades in 10 subjects.

One student, Abdullah Hanook, achieved a straight set of grade 9s across all 10 subjects - a spectacular achievement.

In addition, both Ibrahim Bustani and Zayan Amir achieved 5 grade 9s and 4 grade 8s.

Another highflyer was Alvin Thomas who achieved 5 grade 9s and 3 grade 8s. Five students have been awarded scholarships to Berkhamsted School and Bedford Boys to complete their A Level studies.

Mark Mailer, Head Teacher at Challney High School for Boys, said: “We could not be prouder of what our students have achieved this year and the resilience they have demonstrated throughout their exam preparations and their time at this school. The students and all our staff have worked tirelessly to help secure these results and they are a testament to everyone’s unstinting commitment to achieving excellence.

“None of this would have been possible were it not also for the support of our wonderful community of parents who work closely with the school to help ensure our students are as well prepared as they can be. Our parental body remains one of our greatest assets.”

Jacqui Warren, Deputy Headteacher said: “We are delighted with this year’s outcomes and we continue to be so impressed by the fortitude and determination of our students.”


For more about Challney High School for Boys, visit www.challneyboys.co.uk or follow us on Twitter @ChallneyBoys

Media contact: Mark Pearson, mark@athene-communications.co.uk, 01733 207346