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OFSTED: 'Outstanding' Judgement in all Areas

Challney High School for Boys welcomed the Ofsted inspection team at the beginning of November, for a full Section 5 inspection. The report has now been published and shared with the school and confirms that we remain 'Outstanding' in all areas. This is particularly pleasing given that only 28% of schools nationally have retained their Outstanding judgement under the new framework.

If you would like to read the full report it is available here and you will note it celebrates how our 'Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to learning are exemplary' and how they are ' immensely proud of their school'. We are absolutely delighted for our 5* Challney Gentlemen, staff, Trust, Governors and the wider parent community.

A major part of the Challney's success is the support you unstintingly provide as our parent body and we know the community will share in the school's deep sense of pride.


challney high school for boys final report.pdf