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Rewards at Challney Boys


Student Article By Rayhan Khan 

With good behaviour from you, there always comes something from the Challney team. Here are a few: 

This is the rewards and recognition poster. It contains all the rewards you can get for just simply having good behaviour. 

You may be thinking. Why should I be good all the time? What if I want to talk or just have ‘fun’ in class? Well, there are a number of reasons. For one, you can get recognition by the teacher. Yeah, boring right?

What about going on trips? Missing lessons? I think I’ve got your attention now. 

Every student wants at least one lesson off, right? How about multiple? What about THE WHOLE DAY off? Yes, that’s right. At Challney Boys, if you are noticed for your behaviour, you can have a whole day off (on a trip).

Firstly, I know you're excited with that news but it’s not guaranteed. YOU have to get at least 93+% attendance, 95+% punctuality (get to class on time). You have to have no more than 3 behaviour points and you have to be a 5* Challney Student (At least more than 100 achievement points.

To get more than 100 achievement points and be a 5* Challney Student, you must be an Ambassador, Gentleman, a Citizen, a Leader and A Learner. Try to get a Golden Ticket in all of your lessons or try and get one of our fantastic praise postcards too. 

I know that in FOSSE (the best house) if you get the most achievement points in one term in your house (competing against 7 other forms) you win a ‘breakfast’ with cakes and juice and whatnot. But if that falls in Ramadan, you will get a lesson off. 

Now, it’s all you. Do your best here at Challney. Participate in your lessons and most importantly GET THOSE ACHIEVEMENT POINTS!!!

Thank you for reading. I will leave you with one last thing. The school motto:

“High achievement and access for all are our shared responsibilities”