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Parent's Handbook for Safe Opening September 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,

Please read this handbook thoroughly with your son and discuss the contents with him. You may also wish to watch the supporting instructional video which we will make available to all parents. We will send a link to the video to you by ParentMail.

The handbook summarises the key control measures that we have put in place in order to be able to open safely and securely for all students in September for the Academic Year 2020-21. For these control measures to be effective, it is essential that your son understands them fully and that he understands the need to follow them sensibly, cooperatively, and maturely at all times.

Please prepare him for the fact that, in order to ensure the school is safe and secure, many of the normal arrangements that he has been used to will be quite different and he will need to adapt to these new arrangements quickly and sensibly. He will, for example, be in a different form group, he will not be able to mix with other year groups or play in the same spaces outdoors and he will need to enter the school when he arrives by a different door.


Parent's Handbook for Safe Opening | September 2020